Sesión virtual – Assessment at the heart of learning in the secondary english classroom

Escuelas Católicas Murcia
C/ Pintor Pedro Flores 32
30011 Murcia
Dentro de la formación del Programa BEDA del curso 2020-2021 os ofrecemos una sesión virtual “Assessment at the heart of learning in the secondary English classroom” que se realiza conjuntamente con la editorial Macmillan.
It seems that assessment is sometimes an afterthought, something we do to learners at the end of the learning process to fulfil an obligation. However, assessment seen as an opportunity for learners to demonstrate what they know or can do and as something done for them and not to them can have a very powerful effect. Assessment is a diagnostic tool for both learner and teacher and should take its rightful place at the heart of the learning process, not only at the end of it. In this webinar, we will see ways in which we can easily make assessment for learning an integral part of our daily teaching practice to develop learners’ metacognition and give both them and us the information needed to continue developing their language skills
Dirigido a todo el profesorado de Secundaria.
Matthew Johnson is a lecturer in English language teaching and bilingual education at the Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros and on the Master’s programme at the Franklin Institute. He collaborates as a teacher trainer for publishers, schools and educational authorities. His areas of interest are bilingual education, fostering communication in the classroom, learner training, and formative assessment.
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