Webinars para profesorado de inglés en todas las etapas


Calendario: 3, 4 y 5  de octubre de 2023
De 17:45 a 19:15 horas

La fecha límite para hacer la inscripción es el 29 de septiembre de 2023, o hasta que se agoten las plazas disponibles.



Dentro de las diferentes formaciones de este curso en el área de idiomas, os presentamos la primera parte de este trimestre del programa de talleres virtuales de formación para el profesorado de colegios pertenecientes al Programa Beda en colaboración con la editorial Macmillan. Hemos incluido temáticas que nos habéis demandado los docentes a lo largo del curso pasado.

En este programa en concreto, tendremos 3 talleres virtuales para cada etapa educativa, 9 en total. A continuación os adjuntamos las 3 primeras formaciones de este trimestre:
– Plazo de matrícula: La fecha límite para hacer la inscripción es el 29 de septiembre de 2023.MUY IMPORTANTE – Acceso al Aula Virtual:
El mismo día de la formación, os enviaremos al correo de cada uno de los inscritos (el que figura en la inscripción individual), las instrucciones, enlace y contraseña para acceder a dicha aula virtual. Se entrará primero a una sala de espera y desde ahí, siempre que se acceda con el mismo nombre de la inscripción y se haya abonado el pago de la misma, se irá dando paso al aula virtual.CERTIFICACIÓN
Todos los participantes obtendrán un certificado de Macmillan Educación y Escuelas Católicas.


Webinar Infantil / Primer ciclo Primaria

Tuesday 3 october 2023 17:45 – 19:15

Exploring classroom management, diversity and creativity

The session will explore the role of classroom management styles and the benefits of celebrating diversity, cultural, linguistic, and learning styles. Additionally, how effective methodologies help teachers engage our youngest learners, foster deeper understanding and promote active learning and critical thinking skills using activities. The session will be full of ideas that can be easily applied to the pre-primary and lower primary classroom.

Speaker: Yvonne
Yvonne is a British teacher and former Head Teacher of a British school in Spain, specialising in language acquisition, synthetic phonics, S.E.N and literacy skills for early years and primary-age children. Since 2004, Yvonne has been living in Spain and working in the bilingual teaching environment and a global teacher trainer for many areas of education and coaching.


Webinar 2º Y 3º ciclo Primaria

Wednesday 4 october 2023 17:45 – 19:15

Learning situations … Make them real, keep it fun!

There has been a big shift in the curriculum to make the content more relevant to pupils´ lives.
We will look at how two learning situations were developed within a real classroom context: one was related to water and the other, animals. Although these activities were done with a specific cycle in mind, we will consider how they can be adapted to other years. More importantly, we will consider how LOMLOE has had an impact on how we work in general.

Speaker: Ana Demitroff

Ana has had over 35 years of classroom experience in CLIL and Multilingual Education in the UK, USA and Spain, from first-cycle Pre-Primary to Further and Higher Education. She holds a Master’s in TESOL, the Diploma in TESOL, as well as the Spanish pre-service qualification, the CAP. She is a module tutor for the CLIL Master’s at the University of Jaen. She currently works as a freelance teacher trainer for Macmillan Education.



Webinar Secundaria / Bachillerato

Thursday 5 october 2023 17:45 – 19:15

Harnessing learning situations to maximise student participation

When students have to explain concepts to their peers, they learn how to make content more understandable and also understand it better themselves. In this session, we will look at a range of practical ways to get our students more involved in learning situations through jigsaw activities, peer support, and service-learning projects in school and the wider community.

Speaker: Will Varney

Will is an experienced EFL teacher at all levels, from Infants to Adults. He has worked in both the state and private sectors and has also been an examiner, materials writer and ELT consultant. Will holds a postgraduate diploma in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. He is currently based in Galicia where he teaches English from 3 year-olds to ESO and also works as a freelance teacher trainer for Macmillan Education.


Escuelas Católicas Murcia
Departamento Pedagógico – Pastoral
Programa BEDA Murcia
C/ Pintor Pedro Flores, 32  30011 Murcia
Telf. 968 350 839; Fax 968 352 846

Marketing Digital. Este proyecto ha sido desarrollado por Grupo Enfoca: Diseño web Alicante